More than one-third of
adults in the United States are obese (35.7%), meaning their Body Mass Index
(BMI) exceeds 30 (1). Within the American population, non-Hispanic blacks have
the highest age-adjusted rates of obesity (49.5%) compared with all Hispanics
(39.1%) and non-Hispanic whites (34.4%) (1). Americans who live in the most
poverty-dense counties are those who are most likely to be obese
(poverty/obesity) (1). Obesity is related to other non-communicative diseases
that include heart disease, stroke, type-II diabetes, and certain types of
cancer, all of which are some of the leading causes of preventable death (1).
Medical costs associated with obesity were estimated to be around $147 billion,
and obese people pay an average of $1,429 more than their non-obese
counterparts (1). The Surgeon General issued a warning of an ‘obesity epidemic’
in 2001, and years later, New York City and Philadelphia have required that
fast food chains include caloric information of standard menu items (2). However,
it was not until the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 that
there were national laws enacted to target the epidemic.
As part of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, all chain restaurants with 20 or
more locations must include calorie information on all their menus (3). Among
other policy approaches, menu labeling has been proposed to address the growing
rate of obesity in the United States, and the focus has primarily been on food
consumed outside of the home. Eating meals away from home comprises 30% of
daily caloric intake and 50% of yearly food expenditure (3). This trend is
alarming because food consumed outside of the home is more likely to be higher
in calories, fat, and sodium than foods prepared in the home (3) There have
also been links between high rates of obesity and frequent consumption of food
outside of the home (3). However, calorie labeling is an ineffective tool in
combatting obesity, especially in low-income settings. According to an analysis
done by researchers from New York University in 2009, only half of the
fast-food consumers from low-income communities in New York City noticed
calorie labeling. Consequently, only 28% of those who noticed the labels changed
their order (4). Low-income and minority communities were chosen for the study
due to the higher rates of obesity and the higher presence of fast-food restaurants
in these neighborhoods (4). Calorie labeling in low-income environments is
unsuccessful, as demonstrated by this study and others like it. While there are
various reasons why this public health approach is limited, this study will
focus on three major flaws and develop solutions for each.
Literacy rates undercut the success of calorie labeling
Health literacy is a major flaw
of the calorie labeling initiative, because not all Americans can properly read
nutrition facts. In order to understand labels, individuals must first know how
many daily calories are recommended for adults (5). In a study done in 2010 by
New York University researchers, only one-third of fast food customers in
low-income areas could accurately identify the number of calories an adult
should consume each day as between 1500 to 2500. (6). Without knowing the
recommended daily caloric intake, calorie labeling in fast-food restaurants
becomes meaningless, because consumers are unable to relate calorie labels of
individual items to the number of calories needed per day. Consumers do not
have a caloric reference point in order to understand if a food item is high or
low in calories. The study also concluded that racial and ethnic minorities of
low-income communities were most likely to overestimate the suggested number of
calories needed each day (6).
In addition to being unaware of
how many calories are recommended each day, many consumers are also unaware of
serving size (5). The number of calories in each serving and serving size are
two critical pieces of information that are essential for weight control (5).
According to a health study, 33% of people do not regularly read caloric
information and only 5% looked at serving size (5). This suggests that people
are unable to properly read food labels, because sometimes interpreting these
labels requires mathematics to determine the total caloric amount. The study also
concluded that people with less healthful diets are less likely to look at
calorie labels and have less interest in doing so (5).
Low health literacy poses a
significant barrier to the successful adoption of calorie labeling on menus,
because it lowers the perceived risk of chronic diseases associated with a poor
diet, such as obesity (7). Without a basic understanding of the consequences
associated with an unhealthful diet, consumers are unaware of what constitutes
a healthy diet and what does not. If consumers are unable to determine what is
healthy, they are also unable to determine what would be the benefit of
choosing healthier fast food options. They are also less likely to use
calorie-labeled menus in their decision-making process (7). By not penetrating
the consumers’ decision-making process, people who frequent fast food
establishments will not be encouraged to change their eating behaviors (7).
Ultimately, without labeling menus in a way that is understood to all
consumers, no matter their education level, calorie labeling will continually
fail in low-income areas.
Food Labels: Where
are they in placed in fast-food restaurants?
Calorie labeling on
menus is expensive for restaurants, so the Obama administration targeted
restaurants that had 20 or more locations because they could better absorb the costs
(5). However, extensive calorie labels on menus is still widely unavailable (9).
Many restaurants choose to put the most comprehensive calorie listings online,
and many fast food restaurants offer pamphlets that are not always available at
point of purchase (10). In a study that examined the availability of calorie
information in McDonald’s restaurants in Washington DC, only 59% provided
in-store information for the majority of items on the menu (10). In 62% of the
restaurants, it was necessary to ask two or more employees in order to obtain
the calorie information (10). In majority of the McDonald’s visited, the
information was available on tray liners (43%), pamphlets (43%), posters (5%), or
one-page charts (10%) (10). Consumers see tray liners only after they purchase
food, and food items often conceal or sully the information, yielding it
illegible. Pamphlets are only available at the register where people may feel
pressured to order quickly, and therefore not use it (10). Also, if people want
more in-depth nutrition facts, that information is only available online (9). Even
at the largest fast-food chain in the country, 40% of McDonalds outlets did not
provide nutrition information for the majority of the items on the menu (10).
Consumers consider asking
employees or searching for online caloric menus as a burden, and the majority
of fast-food consumers do not perceive a benefit in searching for the
information (9). The Behavioral Economics Model can explain the inaction of
consumers (11) As explained by economics, behavior is the result of benefits
and costs. Benefits are interpreted as reinforcers and people who frequent fast
food restaurants more often obtain more reinforcing value from food than those
who do not (11) Consequently, the cost of searching for caloric information
outweighs the immediate desire for fast food; the convenience and craving is
more important to consumers than caloric information or health (11). The
absence of point of purchase nutrition information in majority of fast-food
restaurants creates barriers in accessing the calorie facts, and the burden in
searching for it is too high for majority of consumers.
Barriers to
obtaining healthful foods
The final major flaw
of this public health intervention can be explained with the social ecological
model. The social ecological model explains that interventions that solely
focus on behavior change on the individual level often neglect the social and
environmental context in which those behaviors occur (12). This clarifies why calorie
labeling is ineffective. The intervention fails to recognize that there are few
alternative healthy options available in fast food restaurants, convenience
stores, and small grocery stores since they rarely have fresh produce or
low-fat dairy items (13). This is especially true in low socioeconomic
neighborhoods, where smaller grocery stores, convenient stores, and fast food
restaurants like KFC and McDonald’s are abundant compared to higher quality
grocery stores, Starbucks and Chipotle that are commonly found in middle- to
high-socioeconomic communities (13). While calorie labeling aims to help
consumers choose more healthful options, the intervention fails to understand
that there are few, healthy alternatives in low-income communities because of
the specific fast-food environment (13). Unless the intervention addresses the
barrier in accessing more healthful foods, calorie labeling will continually
fail in these communities
Defining a Better
Calorie labeling on menus as a public health approach to
combat obesity will fail in low-income neighborhoods across the country if low
health literacy rates, availability of nutrition information, or the low access
to healthier options is not addressed. These three major flaws undercut the
successful adoption of calorie labeling in quick serve food locations.
This study proposes a
three-pronged intervention to specifically target the three main flaws. This
new design improves calorie-labeling techniques by using color to represent the
level of healthfulness of menu options, allows for customization of standard
menu items for fewer calorie and low-fat alternatives, and finally proposes
effective measures to support community partnerships to transform the physical
and social environment as demonstrated in Chelsea, Massachusetts. This strategy
focuses on the three critical weaknesses of calorie labeling as a public health
intervention. By adopting this innovated design, calorie labeling will find
more success in low-income communities.
Numbers or Colors?
The past failure of
calorie labeling efforts highlights that the general health knowledge of a
population greatly impacts the efficacy of this public health approach. While
calorie labeling may sway people in choosing a more healthful option, the
approach cannot be expected to change a population’s eating behaviors if the
majority of consumers do not know how many calories are needed each day. For
this reason, calorie labeling needs to be reformatted.
Presenting caloric information
by using colors may increase menu-labeling effectiveness, according to a study by
Yale University researchers (14). After calorie-labeling formats were compared,
investigators found that using colors to represent healthfulness of food items
led to the fewest calories ordered by participants on average (14). This
suggests that using green, yellow, and red to designate healthfulness leads to
more informed decisions by consumers (14).
Green, yellow, and red are
universal colors that represent good, moderate, and poor (14). When applied to menus, the colors are
interpreted as an item that is healthy, moderately healthy, or not very
healthy. Little outside health knowledge is needed to understand the labels,
since the colors have meaningful significance across many cultures (14). Therefore,
the labels’ health meanings can be interpreted without having to read words. Language
barriers in non-English speaking populations, primarily in Latino communities,
limit access to healthy food options. Thus, the color system will be useful in
areas where there are non-English speakers or illiterate community members. Color-coordinated calorie menus will
allow all consumers, regardless of language ability, to successfully interpret
the healthfulness of a menu item.
It is also important to educate
consumers on health issues, such as the recommended daily caloric intake. To
address this issue, menus should have informative prompts that read, “The
health guidelines for Americas suggest consuming about 2,000 calories per day”
(6). This prompt will provide consumers with a reference point, giving them a
context in which they can better interpret the number of calories in menu items.
Providing this background
information is essential for informative decision-making, and will help
successfully implement calorie labeling in low-income communities. Also,
reformatting calorie labeling into a colored-coordinated system will allow all
consumers to easily interpret healthfulness without having to understand
English or to know basic health knowledge.
Small Changes
As discussed
previously, calorie labeling is not always readily available in fast-food
restaurants. Convenience and desire for food are always preferred over health,
or in this case, searching for the caloric information (9). Point of purchase
information is crucial to decision making, because if the caloric information
is not readily accessible, consumers will not search for it, and it will not be
taken into consideration when ordering (10). Instead of making consumers find
and read labels, fast food restaurants can customize standard menu items to
offer healthier options at the register.
Customization can take
many forms on fast-food menus. For example, consumers can have the option of
grilled meat instead of fried, using less bread, adding vegetables, removing
all or some cheese, ordering low-fat salad dressing, or asking for sauce on the
side. By asking consumers if they would like any of these options at the
register, they are informed of these healthier options without having to
consult pamphlets or search online. These small changes do not tell people to
choose different options all together, but they make consumers’ favorite menu
items healthier.
According to the incorrect
assumption of the health belief model, consumers will completely change their
fast-food orders once they learn that a high calorie diet gravely threatens
their health. This theory, however, does not take into the account the high value
of convenience and desire of food in comparison to health. In other words,
consumers will not modify their eating habits for health reasons, as that is
not a reason compelling enough to prompt change. Customization, therefore, will
allow consumers to order the foods they love with the additional option to
decrease their overall caloric intake.
Without considering the social environment of low-income
communities, calorie labeling will continually fail. Policy changes need to be
implemented that make healthier fast food alternatives easier to find. As the
Social Ecological Model suggests, it is unrealistic to expect people to modify
their behaviors when their physical and social environments do not support the change
(12). Instead, the environment needs to become a part of the transformation. To
incentivize change, community partnerships can be created to encourage local
food marts to carry more produce and low-fat dairy products by offering a tax
credit for those who do (15).
An intervention like
this was implemented in Chelsea, Massachusetts in 2010 called ‘Healthy Chelsea’
(16). Just northeast of Boston, this city has declared itself a safe-haven for
undocumented immigrants and is made up of 44.1% foreign-born non-citizens (17).
Moreover, 62.1% of people living in Chelsea are of Hispanic or Latino decent
and 67.8% of residents speak little to no English (17). Only 14.5% of the
residents have a college degree or higher (17). The health initiative includes
56 individuals representing local government, state government, community
organizations, healthcare providers, and businesses (16). These organizations
collect health and behavioral data in Chelsea and use that information to
assess the social and environmental factors influencing Chelsea’s high obesity
prevalence (16). Through this assessment, the initiative implements and
supports more healthful behaviors that are conducive to the diverse cultural
and ethnic background of the residents (16). The initiative has increased the
volume of fresh produce sold at local markets, given tax credits to
participating locations, and has provided healthy marketing materials around
the city (16). There has been a close partnership between the city’s Planning
and Development Department to support infrastructure changes such as park renovations
and installations (16). The initiative also pioneered the passage of Chelsea’s
trans fat free regulation (16).
Community partnerships
and organizations are essential to changing the social and physical environment
to encourage the adoption of new behaviors at the population level, as
demonstrated with the ‘Healthy Chelsea’ initiative (15). A tax incentive will
provide affordable, low-calorie options in low-income neighborhoods where those
alternatives are scarce. This will give residents the ability to choose more
healthful foods when they are food shopping or dining out with their family,
ultimately encouraging people to make healthier food choices.
While calorie labeling
was developed with meaningful intentions, it is not a universally effective
approach. It fails to address low health literacy rates, the value of
convenience over health, and the impact of the physical and social environment
on decision-making. By neglecting these issues, calorie labeling will
continually fail in low-income communities. This paper recommended a better
intervention, designed to consider these three major flaws. These major
critiques demonstrate how social theories were not properly applied, and the
intervention uses these same social theories to strengthen calorie labeling in
low-income communities. The improved approach involves reformatting calorie
labeling by using colors to represent the level of healthfulness of food items,
allows for customization of standard menu items for fewer calorie and low-fat
options, and finally proposes effective strategies to promote community
partnerships to transform the physical and social environment as demonstrated
in Chelsea. This three-pronged approach focuses on the major flaws of the
intervention and encourages healthier decision-making in low socioeconomic
communities. Making these types of changes is essential to combat obesity, and
as this paper suggests, the calorie labeling approach will not be successful
unless it is tailored to the specific needs of the target population.
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