In spite of valiant efforts to reduce teen
pregnancy, the U.S. still has the highest teen birth rate among comparable
countries (5). Teen pregnancy and childbearing in the U.S. has steadily
declined since the 1950s (33). A record low number of 329,797 babies were born
to women aged 15-19 years in 2011 in the U.S., for a live birth rate of 31.3
per 1,000 women in this age group (4). Although this number is still high, it
represents a drop of 8% from 2010 (4).
Teen pregnancy has immediate and long-term impacts
on teen parents, their children, and society: about 50% of teen mothers receive
a high school diploma by 22 years of age, compared to approximately 90% of their
peers who did not give birth during adolescence (4); 43% of children of teenage
mothers do not graduate high school by 19 years of age, compared to 20% of
children if their mother was over 22 years of age when she gave birth (23); and
around $11 billion per year is spent on teen pregnancy and childbirth related issues
Many factors contribute to the complexity of teen
pregnancy. Interventions targeting teenage pregnancy vary in their success for
reducing rates of teen pregnancy. Effective programs are found to provide basic
accurate information about the risks of unprotected intercourse and methods to
avoid unprotected intercourse, provide clear options to avoid unprotected sex,
and select teachers or peers who appeal to the target audience to disseminate
information (9). An intervention that includes the aforementioned
characteristics and increases levels of personal self-efficacy can have a positive
impact on teens and reduce teen pregnancy rates.
New York
City Reducing Teen Pregnancy Campaign
One intervention that aims to reduce teen pregnancy
rates is Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Deputy Mayor for Health and Human services
Linda I. Gibbs, and Human Resources Administration Commissioner Robert Doar’s New
York City (NYC) Teen Pregnancy Prevention Campaign. The campaign features ads
addressing the “real costs of teen pregnancy for teens and their children” (3)
in subways, and bus shelters throughout the five boroughs, incorporates an
interactive texting component, and a YouTube Public Service Announcement. The
YouTube video said to be released in late March is currently unable to be found
(2, 3).
The campaign has five print ads that feature
children next to strong statements about the costs and negative consequences of
being a teenage parent. The five statements are: “I’m twice as likely not to
graduate high school because you had me as a teen.”, “Dad, you’ll be paying to
support me for the next 20 years.”, Honestly Mom… chances are he won’t stay
with you. What happens to me?”, “If you finish high school, get a job, and get
married before having children, you have 98% chance of not being in poverty.”,
and “ Got a good job? I cost thousands of dollars each year” (2, 3). The ads
also ask viewers to text ‘NOTNOW’ to a short code to find out the “real price
of teen pregnancy” (3). Once viewers opt in to the campaign’s texting
portion, they are sporadically texted facts of teen parenthood, benefits of
delaying pregnancy, interactive games, and quizzes.
Criticism of Intervention 1: The
Intervention Does Not Provide Information on Methods to Avoid Teen Pregnancy
Interventions that provide the audience factual
information and methods to avoid unprotected intercourse are effective (9, 27).
An intervention that is aimed at teens, but does not provide clear options to
avoid the outcome of teen pregnancy is extremely inefficient (9). The
intervention firstly assumes that teens will remember one of the campaigns ads,
long enough to make an impact on their behavioural choices. Secondly, the
intervention assumes that the teen will remember to either go to the campaigns
website, or opt in to the campaigns texting program. Lastly, the intervention
assumes that hard-hitting statements are enough to deter teens from engaging in
sexual activities. Even if these assumptions are valid, teens that are impacted
by these statements, but want to engage in protected sex are overlooked.
The campaign’s opt-in texting initiative focuses
solely on the realities of teen parenthood and the benefits of delaying
pregnancy; no information is provided on the use of contraceptives as a method
to reduce teen pregnancy. The texting initiative assumes that the targeted
teens are able to pay for the standard messaging rates. This may prevent two-thirds
of the campaigns target audience from participating in the texting initiative,
as pregnancy is both a cause and a consequence of teen pregnancy (1).
The HRA Teen Pregnancy page at also
predominately focuses on the benefits of delaying pregnancy, only one out of
the ten quick links explicitly provides information on contraceptives. The link
to ‘Contraceptives Information’ is located at the very bottom of the quick
links bar. This cumbersome process to obtain information on contraceptives is
ineffective for teens that need information immediately, and for teens that do
not have a smart phone to immediately access the page.
Key information on methods to avoid teen pregnancy
is needed in order for this intervention to be effective in reducing teen
Criticism of Intervention 2: The Deliverer
of the Message Does Not Match the Intended Audience
The deliverer of an intervention campaign’s message
should be carefully selected as they represent the face of the intervention. The
messenger is a model that usually appears along side the message, demonstrates behaviour,
or provides a testimonial that a campaign promotes. The model is crucial in attracting
attention, influencing perceived self-efficacy, personalising abstract
concepts, bolstering belief formation due to source credibility, and
facilitating retention due to memorability (7). The NYC Teen Pregnancy
Prevention Campaign uses children as the messengers. Although these children
appeal to viewers’ emotions, they are not the most effective models for a
campaign targeting teens.
Messenger credibility is a crucial factor in public
health campaigns (13). The messenger does not always have to be knowledgeable
on a particular subject to be effective in promoting adolescent behaviour
change (23). Children, as messengers, for a teen pregnancy prevention campaign
are powerful as they represent the consequence of teen pregnancy. But, this is
not the most important characteristic for an adolescent audience. Teens respond
more positively to behaviour change programs with relatable messengers in a
context that is familiar to adolescents (22, 28). Children messengers that
carry hard-hitting statements would probably only serve to shock teens, and
promote short-term behaviour change, but yield little long-term behavioural
change (34).
Inappropriate selection of messengers is a common
flaw in behaviour change campaigns (22). The current intervention prioritises
shock, and initial emotional response over similarity. This is a poor choice
for a behavioural change campaign, as teens relate better to similar
individuals, and respond more positively to these individuals (9, 17, 22, 32). Supporters
of this campaign may argue that toddlers are effective messengers because toddlers
are often difficult to take care of, as they usually are only capable of saying
few words, cry frequently, and require a lot of attention. However, teens with
personal experience with younger siblings who have positive experiences with
toddlers are excluded from the behavioural change campaign. Furthermore,
toddlers are very different from teens, so it is unlikely that adolescents
would remember the campaign ads (9, 22). Healthy, happy teens that are the
children of a teen parent are at high-risk for being teen parents themselves
(9, 24), but may also fail to identify with the campaign ad due to differences
in personal experience.
Criticism of Intervention 3: The
Intervention Creates Guilt, Fear, and Stigma in order to Change Behaviour
Interventions that utilise fear and shame as a
method to illicit behavioural change are ineffective long-term, and usually
create the opposite effect of the desired behavioural change (6, 10, 8, 34,). Even
when fear arouses the interest of the audience, the desired health behavioural
change may not occur (20). Strong statements that perpetuate stereotypes about
teen parents and their children may do more harm than good. The intended
audience may react to the statements with feelings of guilt, shame, or frustration
(10, 11, 17, 18). Teen mothers or pregnant teens may feel these emotions more
acutely as they cannot achieve the desired outcome of delaying parenthood (11,
17, 18). For these teens, the intervention may reinforce self-blame, and
helplessness because the intervention does not also provide appropriate support
networks or resources (11, 17-19). ‘Targets’ of the intervention may even hide
their problems or not seek support due to feelings of shame and guilt (17, 19).
An unintended effect of this intervention is the
label and stigma that it creates. The intervention utilises strongly worded
statements accompanied by innocent looking toddlers that scare the intended
audience about the potential hazards of teen pregnancy, and thus raise their motivation
to avoid it (17, 19). This inadvertently creates a negative image of pregnant
teens and teen mothers. Once stereotypes and stigmas are established, the teen
mothers or pregnant teens may be ostracised, regarded as deviant, and even
blamed for engaging in immoral behaviours that elicited the ‘punishment’ of
their affliction (17, 18). This type of social climate within schools and in
communities can be devastating for the vulnerable adolescents (18), as the teen
years are a critical period of time for development (21, 26, 31).
Children of teen mothers may also experience
feelings of shame and be stigmatised, as they are the messengers the NYC Teen
Pregnancy Prevention Campaign. This may create an unintended effect of the
child devaluing and undermining the parent-child relationship. A campaign that instills guilt, fear, and
stigma is inefficient for creating the desired behavioural change.
New Intervention Proposal: Utilise
the Media to Provide Neutral Comprehensive Information with Methods to Achieve
Behavioural Changes, and Shift Social Norms
An intervention that aims to reduce teen pregnancy
must fulfill several objectives in order to be effective and successful. A new
intervention that does not focus solely on negative aspects of teen pregnancy
and motherhood, and rely on fear tactics will reach a larger audience, decrease
stigma, and influence social norms. The intervention will utilise the existing
framework of the current NYC Teen Pregnancy Prevention, but will be re-modeled.
The re-modeled campaign will feature teens in the ads instead of children. The
ads will be located in the same places they are now. The statement displayed
next to the teens will be messages promoting the positive aspects of delaying future
teen pregnancy. The ads will also contain a brief message regarding a website
where teens can go for clear methods to delay future pregnancy, and where teen
mothers can go to for help. The messages will have a neutral tone and encourage
teens, pregnant teens, and teen mothers to all seek more information. The QR
code located on the ad will bring the viewer directly to a website where the
participant can click through to separate websites dedicated to teens, pregnant
teens, and teen mothers. The mobile portion of the campaign will contain
inspirational quotes for teens to prevent future teen pregnancy, offer clear
methods on how to avoid future teen pregnancy, have interactive games and quizzes
on the different types of methods to avoid future teen pregnancy, and direct
teens to services that help prevent future teen pregnancy.
Short videos to be played during commercial breaks
on television channels such as MTV, VH1, Bravo, and E!, will be used instead of
a YouTube video. These short videos will feature teen characters discussing
teen pregnancy prevention options in a setting familiar to teens. At the end of
the segment a character will include a brief statement about where to obtain
more information for teens, pregnant teens, and teen mothers, interested in
learning more about future pregnancy prevention and methods to reduce pregnancy
related stressors. Popular teen celebrities will also be featured in some of
the short videos discussing methods to prevent teen pregnancy, explaining why
teen pregnancy prevention is important, and promote future teen pregnancy
A new press release that highlights the positive
aspects of future teen pregnancy prevention, clear methods to avoid teen
pregnancy, and ways to alleviate stressors and obtain aid as a teen mother will
be distributed to all state press outlets. The subsequent media attention will
then attract more public attention and generate positive discussions about the
new teen pregnancy prevention campaign.
Defense of New Intervention 1: Promotion
of Options to Prevent Future Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Discussing multiple methods for preventing future
teen pregnancy will allow teens to be aware of the various methods available. By
also stating the campaign is to prevent ‘future’ teen pregnancy the campaign is
including teens that are pregnant and teen mothers. The addition of the website
to where teens may learn more information about preventing future pregnancy creates
an easy and direct path to obtain comprehensive information.
Psychological Reactance Theory explains the
behaviour of individuals who expect certain freedoms and who are then
restricted in their free behaviours (29, 32) the individuals experience and
unpleasant motivational arousal with the aim to restore their freedom and
minimize future threats (29, 32). Persuasive messages in behavioural change
campaigns implicitly or explicitly limits an audience’s freedom. (29). Messages
that contain strong controlling language, that gives orders, focuses on denial,
or offers proof of consequences have been found to elicit reactance (29). Behavioural
change campaigns that cause reactance may undermine the effectiveness of a
persuasive message, and have a significant negative impact on attitudes of the
intended audience (29, 32).
The new intervention minimises psychological
reactance theory by providing options for the teen, and utilising positive
non-controlling language. By offering choices, teens realize that there are
other alternatives to teen parenting, different methods to avoid teen
parenting, and there are resources to help minimize the difficulty of teen
parenting. This results in minimal reactance, as there is more freedom. Pregnant
teens and teen mothers will not have feelings of anger, or shame because the
new ads include them and offer help to them. The new ads seek to elicit
feelings of hope and empowerment. By offering hope and empowerment instead of
fear and shame, teens will react less negatively to the campaign. The short
video also seeks to minimize reactance by use of narratives from teen peers and
popular teen celebrities (29).
Agenda Setting Theory explains media influence on
public opinion and politics. Increased media attention is believed to increase
general population concern, and thus, awareness on a particular issue (14). The
media is influential in shaping public opinion and priorities (25). This is
especially true if the issue is presented in a positive atmosphere by respected
and trusted media entities (25) By increasing public awareness about teen
pregnancy and multiple methods to prevent teen pregnancy, public support and
positive discussions surrounding teen pregnancy prevention will be improved.
Defense of New Intervention 2: Peers
and Teen Celebrities are Effective Messengers for Adolescents
Peers and teen celebrities will be much more
effective messengers for an adolescent behavioural change intervention. Teen
peers help adolescents relate to the message, while popular teen celebrities
reinforce to message of the campaign. Celebrity endorsed messages are found to
be effective in influencing the behaviour of the intended audience (6). Having
the intervention displayed on television will ensure that adolescents are
exposed to regularly and repeatedly to the campaigns message (8).
Social Cognitive Theory explains the impact figures
from the media and popular culture have on adolescents. The theory is largely
based on observational learning, and an individual’s interaction with their
environment (12). According to the theory, any single factor will not be
sufficient for long-term behavioural change (27). Instead, reduction in teen
pregnancy is most likely to occur when both environmental opportunities are
presented and strong affirmative behavioural correlates exist (27). By
presenting methods and resources to prevent teen pregnancy with relatable peers
and popular teen celebrities, the intervention will be more effective. This is
also the case for pregnant teens and teen mothers who wish to prevent future
teen pregnancies.
Teen celebrities are effective for eliciting
behavioural change as they provide cultural material for forming values and
beliefs. They are ideal messengers for adolescent interventions as they are
recognizable, well-liked, and perceived to be similar to teens. Adolescents
form para-social relationships with media figures, and seek to apply the
observed behaviour in their own lives (23). This is due to the teen feeling as
if they know the figure as a friend (23). Using messengers that are relatable
will increase the effectiveness of the intervention and produce behavioural
The theory also explains that the primary and most
direct facilitator of behavioural change is perceived efficacy (27). Self-efficacy
has indirect effects on behaviour through outcome expectations, environmental
perceptions, social modeling and social support (16). The intervention seeks to
increase self-efficacy by creating simple steps to reduce teen pregnancy. By
displaying the website on the ads and referencing a website in the short videos
the intended audience will be able to go directly to the website to find
methods to prevent teen pregnancy. Having the steps clearly stated will
increase self-efficacy, as adolescents will know exactly what steps to take in
order to avoid teen pregnancy. Increased self-efficacy has been shown
repeatedly to increase health behavioural change.
The mobile portion of the campaign will also
increase self-efficacy (15) as the texts provide inspirational quotes, neutral
informational texts, and interactive games and quizzes that seek to increase
knowledge and awareness about existing pregnancy prevention methods.
Defense of New Intervention 3: Positive
Presentation of Will Facilitate Behavioural Change
Generation of positive discussion about the
intervention will influence behavioural change. The discussion will likely
shift social norms and make teen pregnancy prevention a more prominent topic
and behaviour. The discussion will also benefit pregnant teens and teen mothers
as the campaign has resources for them too. Social Norms Theory explains the
comparison of an individual’s own behaviour to peer and social norms (30). Most
people tend to adopt group attitudes and actions for social acceptance (35). An
intervention that promotes discussion about preventing teen pregnancy, educates
different methods to avoid future teen pregnancy and discusses the truth about
teen pregnancy in a neutral manner, will likely promote behavioural changes.
The campaign will create the perception that regular discussion about the teen
pregnancy prevention and resources for teen mothers is standard adolescent
behaviour. Featuring short videos on popular adolescent channels will enhance
this perception and increase the effectiveness of the campaign (7). Shifting
social norms to focus on the positive aspects of delaying pregnancy while
positively supporting efforts to reduce the burden of already pregnant teens
will help create a supportive environment for preventing future teen pregnancy.
The altered social norms will reduce the stigma
associated with teen mothers and pregnant teens, and make the issue a standard
topic of discussion. The media will also help alter social norms with frequent
discussion on the topic. Negative stereotypes and misconceptions about teen
mothers will be replaced by the knowledge portrayed in the campaign. The media
will also focus on the extensive methods to avoid teen pregnancy and resources
for teen mothers. The frequent media coverage on teen pregnancy prevention will
create a positive feedback loop that generates even wider discussion about the
topic and increase overall understanding about future teen pregnancy
prevention. Increased discussion will also improve the likelihood of communities
being more understanding and sympathetic to teen mothers, and increase the
effectiveness of reducing teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy prevention is a very difficult
multi-factorial issue to address. Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy are
commendable, but behavioural change interventions that have relatable figures
presenting information, and provide basic accurate information about the risks
of unprotected intercourse with clear methods of avoiding unprotected
intercourse are proven to be more effective in eliciting behavioural changes
than fear based campaigns (18). This modified intervention will reduce future
teen pregnancy by giving adolescents the information and resources needed for
the desired behaviour change.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention. 2013; Available at:
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